To put it briefly: I write songs. I love to write songs. And I'd love to write a bespoke song for you, whether it's for use commercially, as a gift for a special occasion or even just for your own amusement.
More about me:
I recently won the Mayor of London award for emerging artists.
I co-wrote 'Keep Me Warm' with Tom Rosenthal, which featured on
the number 1 UK podcast 'Tunnel 29'.
My music and songwriting has been used on film & television
(BBC World News, BBC Countryfile, More4, Al Jazeera),
advertisements (Samsung Galaxy S5, Axe deodorant),
and can be found widely on Youtube, Spotify and iTunes.
Here's what someone else has to say about me...
"Alex is one the finest songwriters around and I know
this because I have written a number of songs with him,
some of which have been listened to by millions of people
around the world. He's a fantastic lyricist, songwriter, and
human and I can't recommend his abilities highly enough"
If you'd like to know more, please email me: